Moderator: Claudia Dirks, Communications, hih health innovation hub  


About the moderator

Since March 2019 Claudia Dirks has been Head of Communications of the Health Innovation Hub of the Federal Ministry of Health responsible for the various media channels, the newsletter Gesundheit_digital and the event content of the hih. Before that, the eHealth journalist held managerial positions in various specialist magazines such as “kma” and “42”.


Claudia Dirks



Welcoming reception by the host

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector RWTH Aachen  

About the host

Ulrich Rüdiger has been Rector of RWTH Aachen University since 2018. 1997-1998 he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at New York University in the group of Prof. Dr. A.D. Kent with stays at the IBM Research Laboratory in San Jose and at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility at Cornell University in the USA. He received his doctorate in 1997 and completed his habilitation in 2002 in the group of Prof. Dr. G. Güntherodt at the RWTH Aachen before he switched to the University of Konstanz as professor for experimental physics. From 2009 to 2018 he headed the university as rector.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger

Quelle: Peter Winandy

SESSION 1: Digital innvation in healthcareWhat Europe needs now!



Intention of the organising institutions 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot MarxFRCA, Chair of the Germany Society for Telemedicine, Berlin, Germany 

About the speaker

Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx is Director of the Clinic for Operative Intensive Care and Intermediate Care at the University Hospital Aachen.

In recent years he has been strongly committed to the topic of telemedicine in intensive care medicine. Since 2016 the medical doctor has been chairman of the German Society for Telemedicine (DGTelemed).


Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx



Health economy and the location of North Rhine-Westphalia

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister of Economics, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (video message)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart



Digitization for better health care

Dr. Edmund Heller, State Secretary, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia


Dr. Edmund Heller



Health in the DIGITAL Europe Programme (EU) (Keynote)

Dr. Christoph Klein, European Commission, International Cooperation, G20,

Dr. Christoph Klein



Lunch break

SESSION 2: Healthcare without borders – Best Practice-Examples from Germany and Europe  



Orphanet – A building block for better care of patients with rare diseases

Dr. Stefanie Weber, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices




JADECARE – Joint Action (JA) on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care

Jon Txarramendieta (Spain), Kronikgune – Institute for Health Services Research, project manager “Jadecare”


About the speaker

Jon Txarramendieta holds an Engineering in Industrial Organization at the University of Deusto (2010) and a Master degree in Health Management at Deusto Business School (2015). In 2017, he obtained the Expert Course in Health Services and Chronic Diseases Research at the University of Alcalá. He has experience in the implementation of health services in national and European project context. Since 2016 he works as Project Manager at Kronikgune, where he has been involved in several EU funded projects including MASTERMIND, ACT@Scale, SCIROCCO, SCIROCCO Exchange and the JAs CHRODIS Plus and JADECARE.

Jon Txarramendieta



University Telemedicine Network for standardised research data capture and integration

Prof. Dr. Carina BenstömUniklinik RWTH Aachen 


About the speaker

Prof. Dr. Carina Benstöm, M.Sc. (Medical Faculty RWTH Aachen University) has many years of experience in research methods for evidence-based medicine and clinical research. She has extensive knowledge as a project manager, including in the area of ​​EU funding. She is the academic director of the Digital Medicine Innovation Center (IZDM) at the University Hospital. Her research focuses on new forms of care through digitization, patient-centered research, adherence to guidelines in intensive care medicine, systematic Cochrane reviews and meta-analysis.

Prof. Dr. Carina Benstöm



From lighthouse projects to a model region for digital medicine and healthcare 

Prof. Dr. Christiane Vaeßen, Manager Region Aachen Zweckverband  




View of a patient representative

Gerlinde Bendzuck, member of the board of the German Rheuma League 




Panel discussion

Prof. Dr. Carina Benstöm, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen 

Gerlinde Bendzuck, member of the board of the German Rheuma League 

Dr. Christoph Klein, European Commission, International Cooperation, G20, Luxembourg  

Jon Txarramendieta, Kronikgune – Institute for Health Services Research, project manager “Jadecare”  

Prof. Dr. Christiane Vaeßen, Manager Region Aachen Zweckverband  




Claudia Dirks, Communications, hih health innovation hub 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot MarxFRCA, Chair of the Germany Society for Telemedicine, Berlin, Germany  



Coffee break

SESSION 3: Presentation of the Digital Health Award – announcement of the winners

Co-moderator: Mathis Palm, EIT Health Germany​

About the Co-moderator

Mathis Palm has been part of the Business Creation Team at EIT Health Germany since August 2020 and supports start-ups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is enthusiastic about the possibilities that digital technologies offer in healthcare and is particularly interested in telemedicine solutions and applications that motivate people to lead an active lifestyle. Before that, he worked on bio-based value chains and the circular economy.

Mathis Palm



Pitches of the ten best applicants

Manuel Opitz, Deepeye Vison Platform (Germany, Munich)

Shona Darcy, Kids Speech Lab (Ireland, Dublin)

Anne Florin & Patrick Hartwig, My Skills/Treatmind (Germany, Berlin)

Alessandro Faragli, BOCAhealthcare (Germany, Berlin)

Julian Nast-Kolb, Cliniserve/DigiNurse (Germany, Munich)

Samy Andary, Crescent Medical (The Netherlands, Delft)

Gernot Sümmermann, Cynteract/Smart glove (Germany, Aachen)

Robin van Dalen, Inuka (Netherlands, Almere)

Nora Antonella Kuhlmann, Caroline Mitterdorfer, LEVY (Leila Fertility) (Germany, Berlin)

Liza Alem, AZMED (France, Laval)



Interview with a representative of the NRW Special Prize 2020: The Fimo App – The helper for your fatigue

Alexander Krawinkel, FIMO Health UG

About the speaker

Alexander Krawinkel has been co-founder and managing director of Fimo Health since 2019. The digital health startup develops various solutions for symptom management in chronic diseases. Before that, he held various corporate strategy positions at Audi and Telekom.

Alexander Krawinkel



Awarding of the NRW special prize

Alexander Krawinkel, FIMO Health UG

Claudia Dirks, Communications, hih health innovation hub 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx, FRCAChair of the Germany Society for Telemedicine, Berlin, Germany 



Laudation for the award winner

Rainer Beckers, Managing Director of the ZTG Center for Telematics and Telemedicine GmbH

About the laudator
Beckers has been employed in the healthcare sector since 1989. Among other things, he worked on concepts for cross-institutional electronic patient files from an early stage. In 2000 he switched to the then newly founded ZTG GmbH, where he worked as the head of “Projects and Consulting” and started innovations such as the special benefit assessment of telemedicine and care monitoring. At the end of April 2009 he was appointed managing director of ZTG GmbH. As a result, Beckers clearly positioned the competence center funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia not only in infrastructure development, but also in telemedicine. Beckers is a member of the board of DGTelemed.

Rainer Beckers



Presentation of the award

Claudia Dirks, Communications, hih health innovation hub 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx, FRCAChair of the Germany Society for Telemedicine, Berlin, Germany

Rainer Beckers, Managing Director of the ZTG Center for Telematics and Telemedicine GmbH



End of the event

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